The “North Alpha Project” consists of two open cut operations and four underground longwall mining operations, coal handling preparation plants and a rail spur transportation network to Galilee Coal Project rail network. The project intends to mine 56 Mtpa of run-of-mine (ROM) coal, which will be later processed to produce 40 Mtpa of product coal. The project will initially commence operations with a 10 Mtpa mining operation, eventually ramping up to 56 Mtpa several years later. Key elements of the North Alpha Project are:

  • Exploration Permits for Coal 1039, 1053, 1079, 1080 and 1105;
  • Mining Lease application 700031;
  • JORC Coal Resources of 3.48 Bt;
  • Superior thermal coal quality, energy coal ranked at 5900 kcal/kg (adb), 5500 kcal/kg (NAR),
  • Mine development and vertically integrated infrastructure plans for 40 Mtpa product output;
  • Rail State and Federal approval completed through “Galilee Coal Project”; and
  • Abbot Point Stand Alone Jetty proposal at the port of Abbot Point, proposed by Waratah Coal Pty Ltd