
The “Galilee Coal Project (Northern Export Facility)” consists of two open cut operations and four underground longwall mining operations, coal handling preparation plants and a rail transportation network to Abbot Point and a proposed port facility at Abbot Point. The project intends to mine 56 Mtpa of run-of-mine (ROM) coal, which will be later processed to produce 40 Mtpa of product coal. The project will initially commence operations with a 10 Mtpa open cut mine, eventually ramping up to 56 Mtpa several years later. Key elements of the Galilee Coal Project are:

  • Exploration Permits for Coal 1040 and 1079;
  • Mineral Development License 455;
  • Mining Lease application 70454;
  • JORC Coal Resources of 7.1 Bt;
  • JORC Coal Reserves of 1.1 Bt;
  • Superior thermal coal quality, energy coal ranked at 6350 kcal/kg (adb), 5500 kcal/kg (NAR),
  • Mine developments and vertically integrated infrastructure plans for 40 Mtpa product output;
  • State approval of Environmental Impact Statement for “Galilee Coal Project”, Mine and Rail, 9 August 2013;
  • Commonwealth approval of Environmental Impact Statement for “Galilee Coal Project”, Mine and Rail, 19 December 2013;
  • The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection assessed the Galilee Coal Project’s Environmental Management Plan and issued Waratah Coal Pty Ltd with a draft Environmental Authority for their mining lease application for the Galilee Coal Project, 4 December 2015; and
  • Abbot Point Stand Alone Jetty proposal at the port of Abbot Point, proposed by Waratah Coal Pty Ltd is being reviewed by the Department of Infrastructure and Planning, February 2016.”.

For further information see “Galilee Coal Project” teaser document.